Hope does not go further than one's ability to wipe his mouth clear of any trace of disproportionate intake. I have become accustomed to the surreptitious glances conceded in embrace. I hereby position myself against any and all handwritten admonitions or left over intellectual dispositions, carved in any sensible medium dedicated to humanity. No cash return and the dried conventions. I'm ready for more of the same. Ready to live an old unknown life. Selfish art, hidden abroad and fade with the motor on. Immediate battalion that plays the diversion. The worst destination. Concerned with the elaborate handshake and innovative culprits. Sudden relapse in the lonely alleyway. One last Friday and a final rendition of this purposeful and immediate dynamic. Apparent throwback, sudden to convene, audio clips and shredded moments. I can't remember any of those past Septembers. You were there, whoever you were, leaving the motor on.
I've highlighted none of the passages. Make up your mind in regards to what has any meaning. I wouldn't want to be perceived as a manipulative and purposefully empathic moderator. I hate those that hurt you. Let's leave this place.