What are you really there for? A traveller or an estranged savior? Coercive purpose. The most hated lover in yet another unpleasant interlude. Noticeable return to the faith in writing. Sex by legitimate accord. Sensitive to handheld diplomacy. Aware of significance. End of a flowered avenue, where she lay in violent certainty. Before the snow. At the cusp, where nearby children play. Park and stones with names. Dawn and dusk. Nobody blamed. Vigil and candle lit. Quiet for the long unexpected moment. At a loss.
Eric Mailhot poetry and written observation. Eric writes in Montreal, Quebec. Observations and introspection. Contemplate love and social interactions. Poetry night recidivist, anonymous around Montreal. Yet another artist and musician. Disillusioned consumer. For more, facebook.com/ericzonecom
mercredi 25 novembre 2015
Common ground to disobey
What are you really there for? A traveller or an estranged savior? Coercive purpose. The most hated lover in yet another unpleasant interlude. Noticeable return to the faith in writing. Sex by legitimate accord. Sensitive to handheld diplomacy. Aware of significance. End of a flowered avenue, where she lay in violent certainty. Before the snow. At the cusp, where nearby children play. Park and stones with names. Dawn and dusk. Nobody blamed. Vigil and candle lit. Quiet for the long unexpected moment. At a loss.