Eric Mailhot poetry and written observation. Eric writes in Montreal, Quebec. Observations and introspection. Contemplate love and social interactions. Poetry night recidivist, anonymous around Montreal. Yet another artist and musician. Disillusioned consumer. For more,
mardi 22 novembre 2011
dawn of a technoid nexus sky shreds an open source into our world and
defies any and all laws of understanding set forth by limited human
capacities to forge analogous interpretations of contemplations. This
lengthy bypass occurs at the conjunction of governing particles and
those minute and universal elements which they hold into account. Over
the years, professor Stephen Chesterfieldersten the
3rd of hillroy university college of bankbrumpt New vampton has
maintained that such an illustrious event has but foretold more cosmic
interjections set about, either human poise or godly intent, unless both
are one and the same. In the latter case, it is clear that human
knowledge would be required to undergo strict policies less we all
suffer unfathomable impacts due to the limitless follies of our
imaginings. The pragmatic glossary of the mundane assessments in every
day contemplations should therefore be eyed under a more scientific
premise, such as to prevent sudden repercussions brought on by cervical
inuendo in direct response to counterfeit stimulae.